
Cybersecurity is one of the new buzzword rising since 2014 and it’s a good topic to bring up to this blog and discuss the importance of awareness and benefits of considering cyber security in your Business Organization.

Let’s begin with the definition of Cybersecurity – is compose of best practices & methodologies, technologies and IT infrastructure imply on preventing your business from hacking attack, unauthorized access to your business data or information.

Why so important?

1. Hacking Incidents – There’s a lot of hacking incidents in the Big Companies and end up losing revenues and business credibility due to the fact of not giving importance of the Cybersecurity. You can attest our claim by searching it to any search engine (Google, Yahoo and Bing) and get the details of repercussions happened.

2. Local IT Staff – Even you have the excellent local IT staff onboard, still will not able to address all IT matters like Cybersecurity as not all of them have experience. Of course you hire staff based on your business operation support and sometimes IT Security aspect is putting in the last priority options.

3. Check and Balance Approach – It is wiser that you need to augment your local IT staff talents and considering other options like tapping to the IT Company (Managed Services Provider) to have check and Balance approach of your internal systems. Remember some hacking incidents also involved inside-job.

4. Gain Clients Confidence – Client will be more happy to know that if your company is investing in bullet-proofing your Business Information Infrastructure, the more loyal clients will stay and more business value to your company.

5. Good Marketing Approach – It’s good to hook up potential good customers or client if they found out that your process, procedures and technology are adhere to the norms of Cybersecurity.

You can reach us via this website link as we can provide you assistance in your Cybersecurity requirement & assessment.

We are also reseller of Antivirus and Firewall, you may contact us to this link