Here’s our Tech Tips 2017
We want to make sure your first week of 2017 is in the smooth and productive way to start going that’s why we are starting with Tech Tips 2017 for the Blog.
Make a Habit of Changing Password as a Lifestyle – 2016 is a year where lots of hacking incidents happened and we don’t want to be part of that statistics record in the news. Let’s elevate further the challenges we can give to the hacker by making sure password we used are being changed from time to time. It’s kinda inconvenient from our side , but the efforts will pave way to make sure our IT device and information are properly secured.
Choose Offline Backup than Online Backup – There were lots of Cloud Based Solutions for our backup of files, Media and email nowadays, but the hacker will surely target this first to gain access our device credentials and create havoc. At least every quarter or semi annual we exercise Offline backup just in case our online backup has been compromised.
Educate yourself about Ransonware and Phishing Emails – Ransonware and Phishing Emails are commonly items that was raised during 2016 Hacking incidents, so it’s a must for us to educate ourselves and come up a preparation on how to identify and come-up an immediate remedy. You can call us for Antivirus Product that could protect you from Ransonware , you can reach us via this website link
Software Updates – When we discuss about Software Updates, that’s included your Operating Systems, Your Apps installed on your Device and your IT Device Firmware. From time to time we need to visit our device settings and investigate for any updates from the Manufacturer as will create an additional layer of protection to your device from being get hacked or broken by bugs. Apps should be also part of our daily work routine, so it’s also a must to check for Developer updates as well.
Unused Apps Must Removed – The reason why we included Unused Apps in the list, is because it uses additional resources for your IT Device such as battery power, memory RAM and lastly processor which sometimes causes temperature rise to our IT device and later cause breakdown.
Use VPN when using Public Wifi – whenever we are outside in the public place such as a coffee shop, mall, and supermarket. When we come across Free Wifi it automatically trigger us to connect and access our Social Medial and Video Stream. What we don’t know hacker are already standing by for any unsecure connection and eavesdrop our connection information which later penetrate our IT device and create havoc. We understand the value of free Wifi, but not securing yourself, create risks to your device and your information, so we suggest investing for a VPN app as an additional layer of security to your IT device investment.
Understand the value of Encryption – With lots of various online backup offering are now available in the market, it’s also important to understand the value of Encryption to our backup files in the web especially the online backup.
More detail discussion will be tackling the Encryption in a separate Blog so stay tuned for that.
Revisit your Device Security Settings and take advantage it’s features – Your IT Device is packed with hidden gems with comes to protecting your devices and information stored. This is the most commonly ignore nowadays and it’s worth to invest time to check and review their feature sets.
Device Drivers Update – We have tackled this before from previous blog we have, but it’s worth also to check and improve and optimize your IT device performance. From time to time better check for device driver update coming from Manufacturer website as it addresses some on-going bugs which was brought up by other customers.