IT Endorsement
Is one of the simple, classic and very effective technique you can used for your IT Department to boost their work efficiency. Typically right now email and IT Ticketing are commonly used by IT Staff to collaborate with inter group, but those tools are not enough.
Let’s put it in a real actual scenario. Let’s say you have 12 IT Helpdesk Engineers that collaborate with Network Team (20 staff) and Technical Support (18 staff) on the day-to-day basis, then all of them individually received emails averaging at least 100 emails a day plus all of them need to check their respective IT Cases regularly mainly open IT Cases, new IT cases and re-open IT cases let say’s 70 IT Cases overall if you combine it and please take note they are not just simple IT cases that you can close it within the span of 1 hr. Imagine how your IT staff would know the importance they need to address and the other IT cases they can set aside momentarily plus the status update of the project done by IT team on different shift and the status report that need to submit (on time) to their superior and clients.
This is where IT Endorsement technique will shine and be a helpful in prioritizing what tasks its need to be done immediately. The format of IT endorsement is something your group will need to discuss offline of course and come-up an acceptable format that everyone will understand. Remember you are one SOLID IT team so everyone would be part of creating this majestic IT Endorsement that will fit in your complex fast paced workflow.
We cover IT Endorsement as our daily routine thru Managed Services Offering. You can visit the site at