4 Business Reasons why you need IT Signage post
Is not a common topic you can see in the Internet and for a great nos of people it’s not a big item to discuss about. Well if you continue reading this article you’ll understand why we want to include this on our Blog.
Here goes:
1. IT Signage Post is another way of communication, Typically if your IT Department office setup has dedicated room and you are all alone currently waiting for others for the next shift, then you can use this IT Signage Post if you need to go to the toilet or have a 10 mins coffee break. Leaving your IT Department office without any notification will create bad impression to anyone especially the boss. But if you leave some IT Signage indicating you’ll be back in 10 mins then people will have good impression that your department is Communicative Group. Typically People want IT folks to be more transparent nowadays.
2. When posting something in your IT Signage Post make sure it is a good representation (we suggest print it rather than handwriting) and make sure that 10 mins you’ll be back or people will think negatively.
3. If your IT Operation is 24×7 shift and critical, you can add some information to the IT Signage Post like “If Outage please call the IT Mobile nos”, of course you cannot put the IT Hotline if the outage is all about network and your VOIP Systems is down.
4. If your a type of person who goes to the mall during day-off, you’ll see some small stalls out there with Signage Post from the Sales People telling the customers that they are on break be back on certain nos of minutes. If you interpret that actually it is a good gesture that they don’t want to waste your time waiting for nothing and very important is setting up a good expectation from which one of the norms of a good characteristic of a Good Customer Service. If they can do that how about us? Can we do it also in our working environment? Nothing wrongs in trying it and if they have feedback’s you’ll expect to see one it in the next Customer Service Survey from your company if you have one?
With that being said, it’s not a big deal (to others) but if you collate the benefits about using IT Signage Post it will contribute something to your IT Department reputation and who knows the next thing everyone from other Department will follow.